South Park Community Partnership
March 15, 2018
Determining Barriers to Attendance At Concord International Elementary
Student nurses: Olivia Counihan, Shelby MacKenzie & Julia Troy
Nurse Faculty: Hilary Jauregui, DNP, MN, RN
South Park is a very tight knit community that lacks access to many outside resources. One of the areas that south Park is lacking is in its social services. We created a survey to bring to light the barriers that limit or prevent children from
getting to school on time or cause them to be absent. Our project goal is to decrease unnecessary absences from Concord Elementary. We provided surveys in three different languages (English, Spanish, Vietnamese) in order to best reach the community at South Park. We received back a total of 84 surveys from all grade levels. Our data highlighted that illness, vacation, transportation, and waking up late are major barriers for children at Concord. We hope that our survey data will be useful in the future in both changing the current attendance policy and eliminating barriers that arise for kids to attend school.

Read the full report here!